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Consulting services can be very successful and the client-consultant relationship can be a great working relationship. But before you can even begin work on a new client, it is important to learn the needs and resources of your client. Following these steps will help you find potential new clients and sell your consulting services.

Put yourself in the selling mindset
Some people are natural at selling while it takes others a bit to adjust. Figuring out what consulting strategies will help you improve your sales pitch and help you land new work quicker. Keeping your process simple because it will save you the additional hassle and headache when it comes to bringing on new clients.

Qualifying is the attempts at figuring out what the client needs and how your business can meet those needs. When qualifying a potential client, make sure your business is a good fit for the services you offer but the client as well. Different clients can afford different things so pushing them into what you’re offering, might not work out for them or their budget.

Get to know potential clients
Once you have qualified a potential client, getting to know them will help you figure out additional information about them and what they are looking for. The simplest way to do this is to just ask them and talk with them. By asking questions, you’ll immediately know if the services you offer are the best fit for them.

Conduct a needs assessment
When meeting with a potential client, asking questions to figure out what services they are looking for from you is called a needs assessment. This begins with asking broad questions to determine the needs of the potential client. As the conversation continues and becomes more in depth, you will be able to determine exactly what the client is looking for. Make sure the questions are very open ended to allow them to go into as much detail as needed.

Tailor the pitch
Your pitch will chance depending on the person you are pitching your services to. You will be able to win more deals and projects and be able to weed out the ones you are not the right fit for. The more you can tailor your pitch to get the answers you need from the client, the more successful you will be with that client.

Selling your services isn’t a one time thing. It ensures that you’re pitching constantly. Sharing some of your qualifications with your clients shows that you are honest and transparent in your business practices. The search for the perfect fit between consultant and client benefits all sides of the equation if everything is conducted earnestly.